Monthly Archives: May 2023

June Featured Grant: Idea Lab BEEP Mud Kitchen


  BEEP teacher Alicia Osborne-Stackpole reported this month on her Idea Lab grant to build and utilize a mud kitchen with a water pump and painted stone fruits and vegetables with her students. Alicia requested funding for this project because of the growing body of literature indicating positive developmental impacts for preschoolers of outdoor, hands-on sensory learning. Alicia's students, by playing with the mud kitchen outdoors in nature, experienced physical, cognitive, linguistic, and social-emotional growth during the course of the year. The BEF is so excited to be able to support project such as these, that enable educators to explore new [...]

June Featured Grant: Idea Lab BEEP Mud Kitchen2024-08-05T14:09:58-04:00

2023 Celebrating Teachers


  On May 9 in the BHS Auditorium the BEF hosted this year's Celebrating Teachers event - an annual gathering of educators and the broader community to celebrate all of the talented Brookline educators who have won grants, awards, and fellowships this year. The highlight of the event is always the opportunity to hear from the two winners of the Ernest R. Caverly award for Excellence in Teaching, and this year was no exception. Heath School middle school teacher Sara O'Shea and BHS biology teacher Liz Crane delivered moving, inspiring addresses, introduced by each of their principals and by the BEF's [...]

2023 Celebrating Teachers2024-08-05T14:10:41-04:00

BEEP Art Show: Celebrating 50 Years of BEEP


The Brookline Education Foundation has a long history of supporting the Brookline Early Education Program (BEEP), and is thrilled to continue to support them with both professional development and special programs. BEEP is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, and as part of that celebration, the students of BEEP are displaying art that they have created with their amazing art teacher, Erin Palazzolo Loparo. Erin goes to every BEEP classroom, and teaches art with an incredible combination of patience, seriousness, and fun. The children learn about art, artists, and techniques, while expressing themselves and using their hands. The BEF is thrilled [...]

BEEP Art Show: Celebrating 50 Years of BEEP2024-08-05T14:11:03-04:00
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