The 2024 class of Margaret Metzger Fellows has been selected! Congratulations to:

(left to right): Lily Glickstein (Driscoll grade 4), Alexa Cuff (Baker K-2 counselor), Daniel Lipton (FRR grade 2), John Andrews (BHS English Chair & Metzger Fellowship Coach), Matthew DeGrace (BHS special educator), Matt Picard (Hayes grade 5), and Katy McGraw (Lawrence math specialist).

These six Fellows spent a week-long summer workshop with BHS English chair John Andrews crafting personal reflective essays on the craft of teaching, and will come together in October to share their essays publicly with the community. The “Tales From The Classroom” gathering is always a high point of the year – watch your email and this space for more details and hope to see you there!

Congratulations to the 2023 Margaret Metzger Fellows!

This year’s Fellows came together on Friday, September 29th to share their essays with colleagues and the broader community.

Click the button to watch video of the event, and see below for photos. Thank you so much to the six Fellows, to John Andrews, to the family of Margaret Metzger, and to all of you for supporting this wonderful program!

  • 2024 Metzger Fellows Pamphlet
  • Metzger Fellows Crowd
  • Metzger Fellows Crowd
  • Metzger Fellows Crowd
  • Metzger Fellows Crowd
  • Metzger Fellows Crowd
  • Metzger Fellows Speaker
  • Metzger Fellows Speaker
  • Metzger Fellows Speaker
  • Metzger Fellows Speaker
  • Metzger Fellows Speaker
  • Metzger Fellows Speaker
  • Metzger Fellows Speaker
  • Metzger Fellows Speaker
  • Metzger Fellows Speaker
  • Metzger Fellows Speaker
  • Metzger Fellows Speaker
  • Metzger Fellows Speaker
  • Metzger Fellows Speaker
Metzger Fellows Honorees
(l-r): Hannah Bjornson (Lawrence 7th-8th English), Brendan McCarthy (BHS transition counselor), Tim Hintz (Pierce K-2 counselor), Jeanette Sergeant (Baker 3-5 counselor), Peter Sedlak (BHS English), John Andrews (Chair, BHS English, and Metzger Fellowship Coach), Julia Mangan (BHS physics).
all photos by Artemisia Luk, Brookline.News

Congratulations to the 2022 Margaret Metzger Fellows!

Metzger Fellows Celebration

2022 Margaret Metzger Fellows (l-r) Ayala Galton Bassett, Mike Lewis, Jon Weinberger, facilitator Zac Broken Rope, Xiaoxue Cao, Marcie Miller

“Tales from the Classroom: Personal Essays”

October 14, 2022, Lincoln School Auditorium

2022 margaret Metzger Fellows

2022 Margaret Metzger Fellowship

Congratulations to:

Ayala Galton Bassett (FRR health teacher), Xiaoxue Cao (Driscoll Mandarin teacher), Chris Lee (K-12 music teacher), Jon Weinberger (Lawrence 4th grade teacher), Michael Lewis (BHS paraprofessional), and Marcie Miller (BHS social studies teacher).

The Fellows gathered over the summer, under the guidance of BHS English teacher (and past fellow) Zac Broken Rope, to work on their essays. They presented their essays on Friday evening, October 14th at 5pm in the Lincoln School Auditorium.

2021 Margaret Metzger Fellows:

Susan Balogh, Baker School, 7th Grade, Social Studies
Zac Broken Rope, Brookline High School, SWS, English
Alisa Conner, Brookline High School, Spanish
Will Gordon, Lawrence School, Paraprofessional
Colleen Kavanagh, Runkle School, 5th Grade
Wan Wang, Driscoll School, Mandarin

This year’s event was a hybrid one, held on Friday, October 15, 2021 at 5pm. A small number of guests attended in the auditorium to hear the teachers read their essays aloud and many more streamed the event live  – many thanks to the Brookline Interactive Group for their help with this event!

2019 Margaret Metzger Fellows:

Mireille Blau, Coolidge Corner School
Paul Epstein, Brookline High School
Rebecca Hayden, Brookline High School
Evan Mousseau, Brookline High School
Lauren Ockene, Pierce School
Meghan Walsh, Runkle School

The Margaret Metzger Fellowship Event was held at the Lincoln School Auditorium on Friday, October 4 2019 with over 200 people in attendance!

Watch the video here.            Click here to view photos of the event.

2018 Margaret Metzger Fellows:

Chari Dalsheim, Heath, 2nd Grade
Isabella Delatorre, Coolidge Corner School, Spanish
Cathy Fischer-Mueller, Coolidge Corner School, Middle School Social Studies
Sophie Gorlin, BHS, English
Melissa London, Pierce, Middle School Science
Shelley Mains, BHS, Librarian

View a video of our September 28, 2018 Fellowship event.

2017 Margaret Metzger Fellow Recipients:

Liz Exton, Lawrence Kindergarten

Dominique Gonyer, BHS French, Latin and Spanish

Jenna Laib, Driscoll Math Specialist

Amy Morissey, BHS English

Jeremy Ward, Lawrence 3rd grade

Lisa Ziegler-Chamblee, Lincoln Middle School Special Education

View a video of our October 13, 2017 Fellowship event.

2016 Margaret Metzger Fellow Recipients:

Jen Rose-Wood, BHS English

Malcolm Cawthorne, BHS Social Studies

Teresa Gallo-Toth, Runkle Librarian

Marie Leman, Lawrence 3rd grade

Greg Porter, Lawrence Social Studies

Jan Preheim, Lincoln 5th grade

2015 Margaret Metzger Fellow Essays:

Mary Angione (BHS), Tracy Bare (Pierce), Keira Flynn-Carson (BHS), Andrew Garnett-Cook (Heath), Dianne Muendel (Lawrence) Julia Rocco (BHS)

“In education, I do not find answers, but I do find questions worthy of a lifetime of thought.” – Margaret Metzger’s 2005 Caverly Award Speech

Margaret Metzger (1945-2013) taught English at Brookline High School for over forty years, influencing thousands of students and educators through her teaching, writing, and mentoring. She was a 2005 recipient of the BEF’s Ernest R. Caverly Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Margaret’s impact on education continues to be enormous. In honor of her life and achievements, the BEF has established the Margaret Metzger Fellowship Fund to support a fellowship grant program for at least 3 to 5 years. The 2019, the BEF hosted its fifth year of the Fellowship; we are very proud of the thoughtful, profound, and moving essays that resulted over the years.

The Margaret Metzger Fellowship was created to support the continuation of Margaret’s work: thinking about the classroom, writing about teaching, and furthering the art of educating young people. In this time of frequent testing, Margaret’s belief in education as transformative and rigorous is more important than ever.