Meet the BEF’s 2025 Team Brookline Runners!
“As a dedicated high school chemistry teacher, mentor and coach, I’ve had the distinct privilege of inspiring young minds and fostering a love of learning beyond the classroom. I’m deeply committed to developing our children as lifelong learners and citizens of the world, and am so happy to partner with the Brookline Education Foundation because we share the same core values of excellence in education, innovation and opportunity.”
“I’ve seen firsthand the positive impact BEF has on our schools, teachers, and students by funding innovative programs, professional development, and resources that go beyond the classroom. Growing up in Brookline I went to Edward Devotion, now Florida Ruffin Ridley, and then Brookline High School. Along the way, I got to benefit from so many amazing teachers and the chance to raise money for an organization like the Brookline Education Foundation is an incredible opportunity.”
“I’ve been supported by the Brookline Education Foundation in countless ways. They funded my work as a Metzger Fellow, engaging in deeply personal professional development as I wrote about my experiences as a teacher. They supported my work on a study tour to Greece as I developed a unit on Homer’s Odyssey for my 9th graders. Moreover, they’ve helped shape the culture and climate of Brookline through their support of educators for over 40 years. I have been lucky enough to spend my career as an educator in a town that cares deeply about its teachers, its students, and education in general, and the BEF is instrumental in building that culture.”
“Brookline has been such an important part of my life, especially in my education, and I feel incredibly grateful for the amazing teachers and opportunities I had within the Brookline public schools.“
“As a former Hayes parent, and current Baker and BEEP parent, I feel so fortunate to be able to give back to the teachers and administration who give so much of themselves personally and professionally to my kids, day in and day out.”
Congratulations! The 2024 Boston Marathon is in the books! BEF runners persevered on a very hot race day, and raised over $40,000 to support Brookline educators! Thank you so much to all the fantastic runners, to everyone who donated to them, and to everyone who came out to the Team Brookline tent to help cheer them on!