Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the BEF has established two funds that support the Brookline Early Education Program (BEEP).
BEEP Opportunity Fund
The BEEP Opportunity Fund was established through a generous donation from Laura Trust and Alan Litchman in 2005. Its purpose is to benefit all Brookline Early Education classrooms. Since 2018, the BEEP Opportunity Fund has been supported by the generosity of BEEP parents, community members, and foundations.
In the 2018-19 school year, the BEEP Opportunity Fund grant supported music and dance programs in every BEEP classroom, as well as allow many BEEP classes to go on a field trip of their choice. These programs in the early education classes supplement and enrich the excellent programming that already exists for the preschoolers, so that they can have additional cultural experiences and education.
Vicki C. Milstein Early Education Fund
In 2014, as a tribute to Ms. Milstein’s remarkable dedication to early education in Brookline, the Commonwealth, and the nation, the BEF established the Vicki C. Milstein Early Education Fund . The fund supports grants to preschool and kindergarten teachers through the BEF’s Teacher and Collaborative Grant programs to enhance the art of teaching in the early childhood classroom. Donations to the fund may be made here:
or by contacting us at 617/232-3846. Please indicate that your donation is for the Vicki C. Milstein Fund within the box titled “MY DONATION IS IN HONOR/MEMORY OF” on the PayPal “review your donation” page. Ms. Milstein is the fourth recipient of the Robert I. Sperber Award for Administrative Leadership, which recognizes educators who evince excellence in administrative management and strong leadership skills that have brought about positive improvement in the school system.