Monthly Archives: May 2020

Thank you, Emily!


Farewell to Outgoing Board President Emily Dolbear; Welcome to Catherine Burke!  As we draw to a close of this crazy, topsy-turvy school year, the BEF wants to take a moment to thank outgoing Board president Emily Dolbear. Emily has served on the BEF Board since 2013 and has been a valuable member of the Executive Committee from her second year. As a Runkle and then BHS mother of two boys, she was the Vice President of Communications before taking over as Board president. Emily is an extremely thoughtful leader, who seeks out, listens to, and [...]

Thank you, Emily!2020-05-29T15:33:38-04:00

The BEF in the Age of COVID-19


During this time of challenges, the work here at the Brookline Education Foundation (BEF) continues — albeit remotely. In mid-April, our Board committees awarded 32 grants, totaling more than $200,000, to Brookline teachers. We have also responded directly to the COVID-19 crisis by funding a special Districtwide Grant to immediately train teachers in remote learning and online curriculum development instruction. Although we had to cancel our Trivia Bee fundraising event and won’t be gathering at Celebrating Teachers to present 2020 Caverly Awards, we remain focused on our mission: the professional learning of educators at every Brookline school. We cannot fulfill [...]

The BEF in the Age of COVID-192020-05-04T17:14:57-04:00
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