Brookline Education Foundation grants strongly support Hayes School’s commitment to promote equity and ensure that all its students have the opportunity to achieve at high levels.
Grants Awarded to Hayes School Educators
Exciting Previous Heath Grants
For 35 years, the BEF has partnered with Heath educators to support student achievement and teacher collaboration and help to continuously improve the quality of education that all Heath students receive.

Lauren Stewart (pictured in middle of photo above) receives equipment from her 2014 Idea Lab grant that will enable Heath’s PE department to video students to demonstrate proper exercise techniques. The department also plans to use the equipment to create student portfolios that will help students monitor their own progress in PE. This is the third Idea Lab grant awarded to Heath’s PE department. Prior awards have provided Polar Heart monitors and screening equipment which encourage students to work on increasing their heart rates while exercising.
Awards Held By Heath School Educators
Mark Goldner
Elyse Terry
Sara O’Shea
Elyse Terry
BEF Parent Contacts at Heath School
Kate Weeks email Kate
Photograph © Lisa Eggleston