Featured Grant

descriptions of featured BEF grants

February Featured Grant: AP Physics


At our February BEF board meeting, members of the Board were treated to a presentation by Julia Mangan about the grant she and Melissa Nixon, both educators at BHS, received and participated in over the summer. With 12 years of physics and chemistry teaching experience, 10 of which have been at BHS, Julia explained how she has seen AP physics change over her career. Over the last 20 years the way physics is taught has changed dramatically, as research has supported a more inquiry-based approach focused on deeper conceptual understanding. As accessibility has expanded, so has AP physics at BHS – [...]

February Featured Grant: AP Physics2025-02-24T13:47:08-05:00

December Featured Grant: Abi Robichaud


At our December Board meeting, the BEF Board heard from Lawrence art teacher Abi Robichaud about her recent BEF grant. Abi traveled to Mexico City this past summer to study all forms of Mexican and indigenous art, including murals, sculptures, contemporary art and the legendary works of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo. Her travels inspired several lesson plans for students in grades K through 8, which she has shared with art faculty all over Brookline, and which include interdisciplinary projects with math and science teachers. Thank you for an inspiring presentation,  Miss Abi! 

December Featured Grant: Abi Robichaud2024-12-11T09:35:39-05:00

October Featured Grants – Nicaragua and Ireland


The BEF's October board meeting, which was a potluck dinner held at the home of gracious Board member Erin Meyer and her husband Nat, featured presentations on two fascinating grants. First, BHS math teacher Julia James told the Board, Advisory Board, and staff members present about her grant-funded trip to Nicaragua, where she studied Spanish and prepared to lead a student trip to teach math to younger students in the Dominican Republic later this year. Her experience in the restrictive political climate of Nicaragua was profoundly impactful, as were the connections she made with her instructors and local people she got [...]

October Featured Grants – Nicaragua and Ireland2024-10-27T17:53:32-04:00

September Featured Grant: Driscoll’s Year of the Turtle


At our first Board meeting of the 2024-25 school year, BEF Board members were thrilled to hear from Driscoll librarian Anne Reid and art teacher Olivia Reyelt, who received a Teacher grant this year to create Driscoll's Year of the Turtle! Their grant began with a trip to Costa Rica over the summer, where Anne and Olivia worked with local wildlife conservation teams to record turtle breeding activities and help endangered sea turtles navigate safely between the beach and the ocean. It will continue all year long as turtles infuse life at Driscoll with a new energy and joyfulness - the [...]

September Featured Grant: Driscoll’s Year of the Turtle2024-09-23T11:48:50-04:00

May Featured Grant: Erica O’Mahony


This month, the BEF Board was thrilled to hear from BHS Spanish teacher Erica O'Mahony about her recent trip to Colombia. Erica's grant, entitled “Cartagena: Afro-Latino History and Culture in Colombia," took her to Cartagena over April vacation. She took many tours while there, having prepared for her trip with extensive research into the history of African enslaved people, freed slaves, and the communities they built in and around Cartagena during the nineteenth century, both in cooperation with white Creoles and Indians, and in isolation. She interviewed many local people, recorded examples of local Afro-Latino language, art, and dance, and returned [...]

May Featured Grant: Erica O’Mahony2024-08-05T14:03:06-04:00

February Featured Grant – BHS Driver’s Education


At our February Board meeting, BEF leaders were thrilled to hear from 2024 grant recipient Joslyn Vendola. Joslyn teaches math in the EXCEL program at Brookline High School (and is the 2022 winner of the BEF's Caverly Award for Excellence in Teaching!) and she received a 2024 grant along with several colleagues to design a drivers' education program at BHS, specifically seeking to break down existing barriers to getting a driver's license that are related to cost and to accessibility that exist for students with financial or learning challenges. Joslyn and her colleagues have taken the drivers' education course and become [...]

February Featured Grant – BHS Driver’s Education2024-08-05T14:06:12-04:00

January Featured Grant – Puerto Rico


At our January meeting, the BEF Board heard from BHS social studies teachers Roger Grande and Astrid Allen about their trip to Puerto Rico this past summer. Along with BHS colleagues Stephanie Hunt and Emily McGinnis, Roger and Astrid received BEF funding to explore the impact of colonialism and climate change on Puerto Rico's culture, ecology, and industry. They immersed themselves in history, agro-ecology, and culture in diverse settings ranging from the city of Old San Juan to the El Yunque Rain Forest. The BHS educators hope and are planning to translate their learning into a trip designed for students in [...]

January Featured Grant – Puerto Rico2024-08-05T14:06:44-04:00

Featured Grant – December, 2023 – Danielle Goldie


At the December, 2023 Board Meeting the BEF Board was thrilled to hear from Teacher Grant recipient Danielle Goldie, 7th grade science teacher at Baker. Danielle's grant took her to Iceland on a tour specially designed for educators. She learned about the geologic forces which formed the nation of Iceland, and explored volcanoes, glaciers, the reef between the continental plates, and many other ecological wonders. We learned so much about geology! Danielle's enthusiasm and curiosity were infectious - her students are so lucky to get to learn from such a curious and engaging educator! Thank you, Danielle!

Featured Grant – December, 2023 – Danielle Goldie2024-08-05T14:07:33-04:00

Featured Grant: September, 2023


Welcome back to school! The BEF Board was thrilled to hear from Heath middle school teacher Elyse Terry at our first Board meeting of the year. Elyse recently traveled to Rome on a BEF Teacher grant, and told the Board all about her wonderful experiences there. She had never been to Rome before, and plans to infuse her personal experiences there this past summer into her 7th grade social studies curriculum. She learned a lot about the daily lives of ordinary ancient Romans, about the tensions between current-day life in Rome and the study of archeology and antiquity, about gender roles [...]

Featured Grant: September, 20232024-08-05T14:08:58-04:00

June Featured Grant: Idea Lab BEEP Mud Kitchen


  BEEP teacher Alicia Osborne-Stackpole reported this month on her Idea Lab grant to build and utilize a mud kitchen with a water pump and painted stone fruits and vegetables with her students. Alicia requested funding for this project because of the growing body of literature indicating positive developmental impacts for preschoolers of outdoor, hands-on sensory learning. Alicia's students, by playing with the mud kitchen outdoors in nature, experienced physical, cognitive, linguistic, and social-emotional growth during the course of the year. The BEF is so excited to be able to support project such as these, that enable educators to explore new [...]

June Featured Grant: Idea Lab BEEP Mud Kitchen2024-08-05T14:09:58-04:00
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